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For all enquiries about our class schedule, registrations, term fees and accounts, including new applicants; please fill in your details below. Alternatively, you can contact us via email at and one of our College representatives will be in touch as soon as possible.

For all new members to our Tinies, Sub Juniors or Junior teams who sign up with Kallara Calisthenics in 2023 for the calisthenic season, in addition to your first two classes being free we will kit your child out with everything you need for "cali" competitions FREE OF CHARGE! This includes a brand new Kallara tracksuit jacket, backpack, costume bag and rod holder! 

While you're waiting for us to reply, have you found us on our socials yet? Look us up on Instagram and Facebook via @kallaracalisthenics!

Please complete the form below

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Pupil DOB
How Did You Hear About Us?
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What is Calisthenics?

Calisthenics is a team sport unique to Australia. Bringing together aspects dancing and gymnastic techniques and apparatus, choreographed to music and presenting these routines on stage at competitions in costumes. It encourages strength development, self-discipline, team spirit and coordination.


When are classes?

Classes are held weekly for each of our age sections. Please click here to visit our classes page for details regarding times and venues.


What should I wear?

A black leotard is required to be worn at all times with either black stirrup tights, leggings or shorts. Black wraps and long-sleeved tight fitting tops can be worn in the cooler weather. Hair is required to be tied in either a bun or high ponytail.


Do classes stop over the school holidays?

Classes run during school holidays. We do not run any classes over Easter weekend. September school holidays is a vital time for members to be in attendance for classes in readiness for competitions.


Is there extra rehearsals?

As competitions draw closer, extra rehearsals will be scheduled with ample notice. This is usually on a Sunday. Teams are also given the opportunity to rehearse items in costume where applicable.


Do I have to compete?

Kallara Calisthenics College is a competitive club. All members are required to compete through the competition season, which encourages a sense of team spirit and accomplishment for items taught throughout the year.


Where and when are the competitions?

Competitions are held from July to October with dates, times and locations released by competition convenors in mid-May. Depending on the section, four – five competitions are entered per age group.


Do I have to make costumes?

Teamwork across the College ensures all costumes are completed for our members. We draw on the various skills within each section, and most certainly are happy to further up-skill. Our Tinies age section has a no-sew policy in place.

We have our volunteer Costume Managers who are responsible for the bulk of costuming (ie. making sure each member has a costume that fits them, skirts cut to length on everyone etc.). We also have independent contractors who do the machine work required; this is catered for with each members term fees. You will be responsible for the decorating of individual costumes, which are supported through planned sessions and individual time allocated during classes each week. For those not comfortable with decorating, we do have independent contractors available who can tack, sequin, bead etc. for their fee and you are most welcome to outsource your own. We certainly appreciate all contributions made across costuming, headdresses and props.


What make-up do I have to wear?

Calisthenics is an artistic performance sport therefore during competitions and concerts girls are required to wear foundation, lipstick, eye-shadow and eyeliner so features can be seen under the strong stage lights. This is slightly varied amongst the age levels but is consistently age appropriate, minimalistic and not over bearing. Sub Juniors and above are required to wear body tan. All our recommended body tan, make-up and what we use in section make-up kits are Animal Cruelty free.


What qualifications do the Coaching team have?

All our head and assistant coaches are Level 1 qualified. They all hold First Aid Certificates and Working With Children Checks. Cadets and helpers must also have current Working With Children Checks.